Understanding the Emirates ID card Status: Returned for Modification

The Emirates ID card is a mandatory identification document for all UAE citizens and residents. It serves as proof of identity and residency and is used for various transactions, including government services and financial transactions.

One of the common issues faced by cardholders is the status of “Returned for Modification.” This can happen for various reasons, such as incorrect or incomplete information on the application form, or a mismatch between the data on the ID card and the supporting documents.

In this article, we will take a closer look at what the “Returned for Modification” status means, the reasons why it may occur, and the steps to be taken to resolve the issue.

How to Get an Emirates ID?

The process for obtaining an Emirates ID card is as follows:

  1. Registration: The first step is to register for an Emirates ID card by filling out the necessary application form and providing all the required documents. This can be done online through the ICP website or at an accredited typing center.
  2. Submit the Application and Pay the fees: After completing the registration process, the next step is to submit the application and pay the necessary fees. The fees vary depending on the type of application and the applicant’s residency status.
  3. Confirm your biometrics: Once the application is submitted and the fees are paid, the applicant will be required to provide their biometric details such as fingerprints and a facial photograph. This can be done at one of the ICP’s service centers.
  4. Complete the procedure for issuing residency (Only for Expats): If the applicant is a foreign resident, they will need to complete the procedure for issuing residency. This includes submitting additional documents such as a valid passport, visa, and Emirates ID application form.
  5. Collect your new ID: After the application is processed and approved, the applicant will be notified to collect their new Emirates ID card. The card will be sent to the applicant’s designated address, usually an Emirates Post Office.

It’s important to note that the process and requirements may vary depending on the applicant’s residency status and the type of application. It is important to refer to the ICP website for the most up-to-date information and to ensure that all necessary documents and fees are submitted.

What to do when I receive the message: «Emirates ID Card status returned for modification»

If you receive the message “Emirates ID status returned for modification,” it means that there are certain issues with your application that need to be corrected or clarified. The best course of action is to follow the instructions provided by the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) on how to resolve these issues.

Here are the steps you should take to update your Emirates ID status:

  1. Review the specific issues outlined in the notification from the ICA. This can include incorrect or incomplete information on the application form, a mismatch between the information on the ID card and the supporting documents, failure to provide required supporting documents, or an incorrect or expired passport or visa.
  2. Make the necessary corrections or provide the required information and documents. This can be done through the online system or by visiting a Happiness Center.
  3. Submit the corrected application form and supporting documents to the ICA.
  4. Wait for the ICA to review the updated application.
  5. If the application is approved, the card will be issued. If not, the cardholder will be notified of the additional steps that need to be taken.

In order to avoid this problem, it’s important to ensure that all information provided in the application is accurate and complete and that all required documents are submitted with the application. In case of any confusion, you can ask for an online review or visit a Happiness Center to personally clarify your case.

If you are still unsure of how to proceed, you can contact the EIDA customer service number at 600 522222 for assistance with your Emirates ID application.


1. What is the Emirates ID card?

The Emirates ID card is a mandatory identification document for all UAE citizens and residents. It serves as proof of identity and residency and is used for various transactions, including government services and financial transactions.

2. What does “Returned for Modification” status mean?

The status of “Returned for Modification” means that there are certain issues with your Emirates ID card application that need to be corrected or clarified. This can happen for various reasons, such as incorrect or incomplete information on the application form, or a mismatch between the data on the ID card and the supporting documents.

3. What should I do if I receive the message “Emirates ID status returned for modification”?

If you receive the message “Emirates ID status returned for modification”, you should review the specific issues outlined in the notification from the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (ICA) and make the necessary corrections or provide the required information and documents. This can be done through the online system or by visiting a Happiness Center. Then, submit the corrected application form and supporting documents to the ICA.

4. How can I avoid receiving the message “Emirates ID card status returned for modification”?

To avoid receiving the message “Emirates ID status returned for modification”, it is important to ensure that all information provided in the Emirates ID card application is accurate and complete and that all required documents are submitted with the application.

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